Showing posts with label republished content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republished content. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Art History: Impressionist Painters: Monet and Renoir (Plus the Others)

A brief introduction to artists who made such a lasting impression, reproductions of their original works adorn many homes and offices. The letter "i" stands for "I'm impressed."

"The term “impressionism” was first used in 1874, and its initial usage was not very complimentary. A critic was making a sarcastic remark about one of Monet's landscape paintings. Not allowing an unfavorable judgment to cramp his style, Claude Monet (1840 – 1926), working with Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841 – 1919), developed the technique of broken-color painting. These two artists are recognized as the founders of the art form known as Impressionism."

Others who were also a part of the group known as impressionist painters include: Édouard Manet (1832 – 1883), Jacob Camille Pissarro (1831 – 1903), Paul Cézanne (1839 – 1906), and Edgar Hilaire Germain Degas (1834 – 1917). 

Monet and Renoir (Plus The Others) 

An art aficionado, I am not.  But like most people, my attention can easily be captured by an impressive painting.  The artwork of Claude Monet has always impressed me.  However, it appears that Monsieur Monet had to work arduously at developing a fan base who appreciated his art. Of course, Auguste Renoir painted female nudes. Not that he wasn't a great artist because his subjects were bare naked ladies. But gathering appreciative admirers was not as difficult. Nevertheless, through his persistence Monet's paintings have gained the recognition they deserve and there are many of today's artists who will readily admit that their art style has been influenced by the work of Claude Monet. 

As all of the impressionist painters named are already well known, there is a wealth of information about them that can be found online.  Since they are no longer with us, there is nothing substantial left to be added (unless authentic secret diaries or original works stashed in someone's attic are discovered).  Below are links to condensed biographies of each artist which serve as an excellent introduction should you wish to know more about them. 

The published a biographical snap-shot of:
* Claude Monet (1840 – 1926);
* Édouard Manet (1832 – 1883); and
* Edgar Hilaire Germain Degas (1834 – 1917).

For the biography of Pierre Auguste Renoir, visit

A wonderful presentation of the life of Jacob Camille Pissarro (1831 – 1903) can be found at provided an introduction to the life of Paul Cézanne (1839 – 1906) for the program which aired July 2006 entitled Cézanne in Provence.

If interested, is an online database where the artwork of thousands of artists can be viewed freely.

Persistence, Perseverance and Patience Pays
~ Impressionism ~
A word that now labels an accepted and respected artistic style, was originally a feeble attempt to insult a man whose skillful use of the paintbrush made a lasting impression on the viewers.

Link of Interest

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Four (4) Flowers I Love and What They Mean | Forum Coin

For the new year 2020, one of my new year resolutions was to try each day to brighten someone else's day by sharing a positive message and or sharing lovely pictures of flowers. Flowers often make people happy not just because of their diverse beauty but for what they symbolize.

African violets, Baby's Breath, Cape Primrose and the Desert Rose are four (4) flowers that I love.  I would like to share with you what they mean.

African violets are native to Tanzania and Kenya and they are remarkably easy to grow, indoors or outdoors. African violets are one of my favorite flowers because of its rich purple color. (It grows in other colors but I like the purple ones.) I love it even more since I learned that they are symbols of friendship and faithfulness.

Baby's breath flowers symbolize many things and it's easy to see why they are often included in a bridal bouquet. They represent not just romance and love, but everlasting love. They also symbolize innocence and purity, compassion, sincerity, and trust. Key ingredients in everlasting relationships. Don't you think so?

Cape primrose is a flower that has several species and is native to South Africa. One doesn't usually associate fairies with Africa but somehow people have associated these flowers with fairies. There is a whimsical belief that fairies care for them. What do they symbolize? Just about everything one would desire in this life. Perfect health. Good luck. A brand new start in life. Spiritual paths that lie ahead. Purity. Honesty. But most importantly, love. FUN FACT: Cape Primrose is a cousin of African violet.

I wanted this article to be just about flowers. But I have had to stray from the path a little bit. Popular singer/songwriter Sting sings a song he titled “Desert Rose”. The song is about a woman of course; but I became curious as to whether there is such a flower. It turns out there is a flower by that name and also a gemstone.

~ Desert Rose, the flower
The flower called “desert rose” is not a rose. It is an adenium plant and adeniums have various meanings to various cultures. The Chinese call it fuguihua which means Flower of Prosperity. I like the sound of that. Do you? Adeniums are evergreen ornamental plants and it is said that they make great houseplants as they are easy to grow, come in lots of different colors, and there are numerous hybrids.

FYI: How to Grow Desert Rose and Adeniums

~ Desert Rose, the gemstone
The gemstone that is known as “desert rose” has been credited with having awesome healing powers, mainly for treating mental and emotional health problems. Supposedly this stone can be used to calm you, relieve your anxiousness and worry, help you think more clearly and makes your thinking more flexible. The stone has come to symbolize strength, perseverance, having the confidence to succeed, and standing your ground. When referring to the flower, it means “prosperity”. When referring to the stone it means “energy flow”. The folklore that has developed around this gemstone claim it has almost miraculous healing powers such as controlling epileptic fits, straightening out your spinal column, and removing energy blockages. Consequently, some believe the desert rose possesses a spirit guardian, and so they use them as protective talismans. Better safe than sorry. Unlike most gemstones, the desert rose actually feels like soft rose petals. Have you ever touched a gemstone that felt soft like a flower?

FYI: Healing Crystals Desert Rose Selenite Information Video

Hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Monday, July 26, 2021

True Crime Story: Serial Killer, Richard Speck (1941 - 1991)

Richard Speck:  Bad Dream or Hellish Nightmare?

In one night, a 24-year-old sailor turned the innocence of eight student nurses into a hellish nightmare. One lone survivor, Cora Amurao, lived to testify and put him away. 

Richard Speck (Richard Benjamin Speck; Dec 6, 1941 to Dec 5, 1991).  He was a sailor, 24 years old at the time and he murdered 8 student nurses in Chicago in their dormitory room. 

Since I didn't do research to find out if there was a full moon the night the crimes were committed plus I don't believe in werewolves, the only similarity I can surmise by comparing "the minds" of various serial killers is they all enjoy the pleasure of the kill.

full moon

Evil Exists
~ All Murder Victims Know That

Obviously, Lucifer is dark; even though his name means "light bearer".

Lucifer's proselytes are dark as well.

Serial killers are Lucifer's proselytes.

They employ graphic, gruesome, violent methods to stalk and murder their prey. When the law finally catches up with them, they resign themselves to being caught. They know they're guilty and they don't care.

Many want to study the mind of a serial killer, like Richard Speck and others. Their rationale or reasoning is that if they could learn what is in the mind of a serial killer, perhaps they could profile and predict attitudes and behavior, and equipped with this knowledge, intended victims might be spared.

Naïve thinking, wouldn't you agree? Hey! Argue with the statistics.

Surmise is to infer with little evidence or GUESS!

Surmise is what one does because one refuses to go into the mind of a serial killer to try to figure out what makes them tick!

Perhaps some of them have real genuine stories about horrible childhoods, suffering abuse at the hands of their primary caretakers, etc. Perhaps these murderers are misunderstood, they've been hurting a long time, and it's a means of releasing rage and making others feel their pain.

But here is a salient fact and it is a contrast and comparison that anybody would be hard-pressed to ignore. There have been children who have endured unimaginable cruelties and they have grown up to become ... non-serial killers.

About Richard Speck
~ And His Victims

It was 1966 and I was 10 years old. There was an article in the Miami Herald (I grew up in Miami, Florida) describing what Richard Speck had done and explaining that the police were looking for him. One of his intended victims had escaped his killing spree by hiding under a bed and staying there until she mustered up enough courage to roll out from under the bed, get herself untied, climb out of a window onto a ledge and start screaming for help! The news article had an artist sketch of Mr. Speck based on the description the student nurse had given. Following up in a subsequent article when they reported his capture, his real picture was placed next to the artist sketch. Yep. The sketch sure did look like him.

 I remember my late mother commenting:  "You know if he had only counted the number of girls, he would have noticed one of them was missing."

 I also remember thinking: "Stabbing, shooting, strangling ... He forgot to count? (???)"

 This minor detail is mentioned only because, most reports indicate when a serial killer is finally arrested, during the interrogation they can usually state the number of victims who perished at their hands and fill in many other missing details that nobody else would now except them.

Please. Please don't strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. Please don't split hairs and argue that technically Speck wasn't a serial killer. Please don't draw a fine line and say he was a mass murderer, not a serial killer, since he did away with all of his victims in one session. Whatever! I say: He was a serial killer who got lucky!

Movies like "The Silence of the Lambs" and TV series like "Dexter" popularize the serial killer image. The script writers try to paint a picture of "everyday people" - cultured, educated, average, even law-abiding (sort of) - i.e. they're only eliminating people who are distasteful or displeasing or are somehow unsatisfactory and don't deserve to live and/or they make a tasty meal. One could say they're "cleaners".

The writers try to humanize them.

What person is human who can repeatedly commit disgusting, cold-hearted, brutal murders? Such a "malevolent creature" should only exist in a nightmare. But the reality is: serial killers are living nightmares. There is only one English word that paints them in their true colors: BLOODTHIRSTY.

I read the account of Richard Speck's murderous rampage in 1966. I never did follow up on his life in prison until recently and realized that he had escaped the executioner. Now I am convinced that capital punishment is the only fair way to treat a serial killer. If there is a God, then let Him deal with them. If there is no God, then we the people have a moral obligation to remove these loathsome creatures from our society, so we don't have to deal with them.

* {Photo of Speck's victims. Public domain images.}

Richard Speck was real.
~ Hannibal and Dexter are only fiction.

Movies like "The Silence of the Lambs" and TV series like "Dexter" popularize the serial killer image. The script writers try to paint a picture of "everyday people" - cultured, educated, average, even law-abiding (sort of) - i.e. they're only eliminating people who are distasteful or displeasing or are somehow unsatisfactory and don't deserve to live and/or they make a tasty meal. One could say they're "cleaners".

The writers try to humanize them.

What person is human who can repeatedly commit disgusting, cold-hearted, brutal murders? Such a "malevolent creature" should only exist in a nightmare. But the reality is: serial killers are living nightmares. There is only one English word that paints them in their true colors: BLOODTHIRSTY.


* Richard Speck, Dead at 49, Chicago Killer Of 8 Student Nurses 25 Years Ago - New York Times ~ One of the nation's most notorious killers, Richard Speck, a drifter who methodically murdered eight student nurses in their Chicago town house a quarter-century ago, died today at Silver Cross

* Serial Killers - List & Notable Murderers - Biography ~ Serial killers commit some of the most horrifying acts of violence ever known: Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz (the “Son of Sam”), the Zodiac Killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jack the Ripper, John Wayne Gacy and Andrew Cunanan are among the most frightening criminals in history.

I read the account of Richard Speck's murderous rampage in 1966. I never did follow up on his life in prison until recently and realized that he had escaped the executioner. Now I am convinced that capital punishment is the only fair way to treat a serial killer. If there is a God, then let Him deal with them. If there is no God, then we the people have a moral obligation to remove these loathsome creatures from our society, so we don't have to deal with them.

On the plus side ... A horrific and tragic incident could have been even worse.  Suppose Richard Speck was a doctor!!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Healthy Eating : Green Leafy Vegetables

My Mom Always Cooked Green Leafy Vegetables

In my mother's kitchen, growing up there were always pots on the stove. I don’t know if it was because she liked them or because it was cheap food that she could feed a lot of people or both. But at least 2 or 3 times a week there was always a huge pot of collard greens on the stove. My mom used to go to a farm and pick her own bunches of collards. The price she would pay at the grocery store versus picking the veggies herself at the farm was way cheaper! My mother always cooked as if she was preparing for a large army to come and feast! I come from a large family (there were 9 of us). In addition to keeping her own children fed, my mother’s brothers (my uncles) also had a habit of dropping by our house and checking to see what “Sis” had in the pots. We also had random visitors, who knew there was always something to eat at our house who would come looking for a meal. My mom never refused anybody. If there was food in the pot, they were welcome to it!

green leafy vegetables

So when dieticians and nutritionists encouraged people to eat green leafy vegetables, I’m like: ‘They’re not talking to me. Because I ate collard greens from the time I could chew food until I left my home to live on campus and pursue my BBA degree at university.’

Why I Stopped and Restarted Eating Greens

~ Why I Stopped Eating Greens

I graduated from university, got married, and guess what? My husband’s mom did not make huge pots of collards. In fact, she never made them! He didn’t really start eating this green leafy vegetable until he came to America (he’s from The Bahamas) and he wasn’t really a fan. Consequently, I didn’t cook collards and I got out of the habit of eating this dark green leafy vegetable and similar vegetables.

  • Did you know? Eating a lot of greens can be good for your eyes.

Why I Started Eating Greens Again

For the past few years, since so many health and wellness experts are touting the health benefits of green leafy vegetables, regardless of my husband’s food preferences, I made a conscious decision to try to include or reincorporate these veggies into my diet. The compelling research has indicated that dark green leafy vegetables promote heart health, can prevent certain cancers, and are an excellent source of many important vitamins and minerals that were missing from my diet.

Fortunately, I don’t have to go to a farm like how my mom did. They sell collards, mixed greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, Swiss chard, kale, and all kinds of cabbages (Napa, bok choy, etc.) in the local grocery store and the price is very reasonable. The greens come canned, frozen, or fresh. I love the dark green leafy vegetables and buy them canned. There are two brands on the store shelf that are very tasty: Glory Foods and Margaret Holmes.

bok choy
It turns out my late husband had also decided that he wants to add cabbage to his meals, in soups, in stir fry, or in salads. He likes fresh bok choy and green cabbage. So it has been very easy for me to follow through on my decision to reincorporate green leafy vegetables in my diet. It has been a change in my eating habits that has benefited me.

Have you made any significant conscious dietary changes recently?

Related Links:

Eat Your Greens! Drink Your Carrots!

Know Your Sorrel | Epicurious

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Book Review: The Signature of God

Grant R. Jeffrey (1948 - 2012) is a respected American writer and has authored several best-selling books. The Signature of God is just one of them.  Read the Review


RE: The Signature of God
Are you're trying to convince me that an extremely wise and intelligent Being is the author of one of the greatest books ever written? Well then quite frankly I think that the mysterious Hebrew codes, the mathematical signature of God, and the "Undesigned Coincidences" are totally unnecessary convolutions. The information and arguments presented did nothing to convince me that the Bible is God-breathed inspired words. Hey! I'm a tough audience!

RE: The Existence of God
If one decides to tackle a topic like the existence of a Supreme Being, why start with the ancient Greeks? There were many civilizations, nations, or people who lived and walked the earth long before citizens of ancient Greece showed up. Take one look at their mythology and it's plain to see that they were a pretty confused set of folks. They had gods that treated human beings like they were toys to play with, pieces on a chess board. I suspect that if one went back far enough in the history of mankind, they would probably find a point in time when all men knew the one true God. His existence wasn't a question, it was a given. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2021

See the USA By Way of a Texas City: Grapevine, Texas has often included Grapevine, Texas on its listing of America's Best Places to Live. But the residents already know that.

Grapevine is a suburb of both Dallas and Fort Worth. Though our current home is in Austin, the capital of the state of Texas (we relocated because of employment), Grapevine is given consideration as a place we could spend our golden years, i.e. it's in our retirement planning goals.

Grapevine, Texas
Grapevine City Hall entrance, Oct 2012
- Taken with a Casio Exlim EX-H5 in Grapevine, TX., CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Texas has a GO TEXAN Certified Retirement Community Program. Cities apply to participate and go through a rigorous approval process. If they pass the tests (safety standards, healthcare, etc.,), the Texas Department of Agriculture certifies that city as a great place for retirees. So far there are 45 cities with this type of designation. But keep an eye on Grapevine. The city is not in this program yet. But by the time my spouse and I retire, it might be. There's no reason why not! (My humble opinion.)

Here's some scant information about Grapevine. But it's enough to decide whether or not it's a great place to live and work, or retire.

From 1843 to Present Day

Grapevine is a lovely city/town which graces the map of the United States because General Sam Houston, fellow Republic of Texas Commissioners and leaders of 10 Indian nations were able to reach an agreement and signed a treaty of “peace, friendship, and commerce”, in 1843; and settlers were given permission to make their new homes there.

Grapevine's population grew in spurts, in 1960 at about 3,000 to 1990 at about 30,000 up to the year 2000, the population reached a little over 40,000. The opening of Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport in 1974 encouraged substantial development in the city and nearby towns.

In 2007, ranked Grapevine as one of “America's Best Places to Live“.

It's 2013 and current residents indicate that not much has changed within these past few years to make it any less of a desirable as a place to buy a home or invest in real estate. KEEP GRAPEVINE BEAUTIFUL is a non-profit organization and its primary goal is educate and encourage citizens to preserve the local natural environment and actively participate in in improving their community.

Below are some recommended links and brief information about a few attractions or events that might entice you to make  this city/town a place you would want to call home.

Grapevine, Texas is where the outlaws Bonnie and Clyde breathed their last; May 23, 1934.1934, FBI files of famous cases: Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Champion Barrow were ambushed by state police offers and killed in a hail of gunfire.

Links of Interest:

City of Grapevine, Texas The Official website of the City of Grapevine, Texas.

Grapevine Chamber of Commerce Since 1952, the Grapevine Chamber has been serving businesses by helping to create a business-friendly environment, ...

Keep Grapevine Beautiful Keep Grapevine Beautiful (KGVB) is a volunteer organization dedicated to a clean, litter-free and beautiful Grapevine for everyone's health and enjoyment.

MONEY Magazine: Best places to live 2007: Grapevine, TX snapshot Grapevine, TX
Top 100 rank: 97
Population: 49,400
Compare Grapevine to Top 10 Best Places

Grapevine's Annual GrapeFest
Experience the Best Texas Wines

The city was named for its wild mustang grapes (Vitis Mustangensis) which are prevalent in the area. In recent years several wineries have opened in Grapevine. According to Jack B. Keller, Jr., wine maker and wine blogger: "They taste simply awful, but their wine is very respectable!"(

Grapevine's GrapeFest is the largest wine festival in the Southwest US. It's a 4-day event where attendants can enjoy samples of award-winning wines, while listening to live music or participating in the other planned events.

Like Country Music?
There's a Grapevine Opry?

Almost everyone has heard of the Grand Ole Opry located in Nashville, Tennessee, where many of America's famous country singers regularly perform. But what about the Grapevine Opry? But in 1987, Yellow Rose Productions, Inc. breathed new life into this theater and entertainers like Willie Nelson, the Judds, Jimmy Dean, LeAnn Rimes have all performed there.   Check it out! 

Enjoy the Theater?
How About a Murder Mystery and Dinner?

There's a Wild West Mystery Dinner Theater.  The Lone Star Murder Mysteries started in 2003 and this form of "who done it" western style comedy became instantly popular.  It's an inexpensive night out and people from the surrounding areas of Dallas/Fort Worth or other parts of North Texas combine the movie and dinner treat with other fun things to do in historical downtown Grapevine.  Visit the site and sign up for their mailing list.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Spotlight on 3 Texas Cities: Corsicana, San Antonio and Houston

Shining a spotlight on three (3) Texas cities where you might want to vacation or even relocate or retire to: Corsicana, San Antonio, and Houston. Texas Cities: Corsicana, San Antonio And Houston.


Tourism is to The Bahamas as oil is to Corsicana. Many cities did not survive the Great Depression and World Wars I and II, but Corsicana did because the oil business sustained it. Whereas oil may be the foundation of the city’s economy, according to a Fox News report dated June 2017, it has become a popular place to film movies.

“One of the main reasons that Corsicana is so popular in the movie industry is its Chief of Police, Robert Johnson, who doubles as an actor and producer.”

Two of the 2017 films are: “Undying” (Horror, Romance, Thriller) and “Warning Shot” (Drama, Thriller). (Didn’t mention the 3rd film because I don’t like the name of it. Probably by the image supplied with the Fox News link you could guess the name.)

The documentary film released in 2018 was “Field of Valor: Air Activities of Texas.

Never visited or even lived in Corsicana, but do know some very fine people who come from that city. That’s why I was happy to shine the spotlight on this Texas city.

Image credit: Nicolas Henderson, Corsicana City Jail Of 1908, Corsicana, Texas; Texas Historical Marker; now (as of 2014) a private residence in Corsicana, Texas,

San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas is not a Texas city that I have lived in but I have had occasion to visit more than once. My memories of this city are two main tourist attractions: the Alamo and the River Walk.

The Alamo:  Remember The Alamo? Not really. I was born in Florida and had to learn Florida history. It may have been briefly mentioned in my US history class, but I don’t recall being tested on it. However, when our family relocated to Texas, I learned about it and it was a significant event in American history. Had that battle not been fought it’s possible Texas might still be a part of Mexico. Who knows?

The River Walk:  The River Walk ~ It’s a tourist attraction built to attract tourists and get them to spend their money. It is serving the purpose intended. Lots of shops and restaurants. It was fun but if I were a San Antonio resident, I’d only go there every once in a while if I were going out to dinner or if friends or family were visiting and I needed somewhere to take them to be entertained.

Would I ever live in San Antonio?

Uuummm … NO! Not my style. It’s a personal preference. That’s all.


Since neither my husband nor I were born in Texas we are what they call “Texas imports”. There is a common expression used by many like us that says “I wasn’t born in Texas but I got here as soon as I could.”

Truthfully, our relocation to Texas has been one of the major decisions in our life that we have never regretted. Texas is a nice state to live in and many of its cities have a colorful history.

We got our first opportunity to relocate to a new city and start life anew because of a job transfer to Houston. My job. Not my husband’s job. We were only there for a year and my job transferred me again, to the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.

It was the year 1987 and our experience was very positive.

If we had the chance would we go back and live there again?

Uuuuhh … NO!

The year we were there, it rained a lot but there were no hurricanes. Need I say more?

I thank God for the experience but I ain’t going back!

Image credit:

* * *

Have you ever traveled to or lived in any of these Texas Cities?

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Benefits of Space Exploration

The Beginnings of Space Exploration
  • In October 1957, the Russians ... launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space.
  • Determined not to be outdone or left behind, the USA ... launched its first satellite, Explorer 1, in January 1958.

A satellite is a celestial body that revolves around a planet. Moon is the earth’s satellite. Saturn has 82 satellites. Humans also have made artificial satellites. The purpose of these artificial satellites is to the orbit around the planet, gather information, and send the information in visual form back to the earth. Scientists then analyze and study the information to understand the planet better.

The Beginnings of Space Exploration

In October 1957, the Russians (their country known then as the U.S.S.R. or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space.
Determined not to be outdone or left behind, the USA or the United States of America launched its first satellite, Explorer 1, in January 1958.

It was the Americans who discovered the Van Allen radiation belts, two concentric rings of energetic particles surrounding Earth. The inner belt is composed of protons, and the outer belt is composed of electrons. James Van Allen was the scientist who supervised not only the design of the instruments which collected the data, but the study of the radiation data which was gathered. In 2018, NASA celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the launching of Explorer 1.

January 1958 was a historic month and year in the history of space exploration but it was in July 1969 when American astronaut Neil A. Armstong became the first human to set foot on the moon.

The Progress of Space Exploration

Star Trek is Fiction

Since the 1950s, those who have engaged in space exploration set out to accomplish many goals. The popular television series, Star Trek, which made its debut September 1966, may have led many to believe that the goal was “To boldly go where no one has gone before!” and “to explore strange new worlds.” But the reality is that from the late 1950s to the present day 2020, human life or humanoid life or any life form on other planets have never been found and likely never will be. None of the other planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto ~ are suitable for sustaining human life. These are the conclusions reached by scientists who have thoroughly investigated information and data collected by means of satellites, and also acquired as a result of numerous lunar and planetary missions, using both manned and unmanned spacecraft.

Space Research Yields Facts

In fact, the myriad goals of space exploration, right from the very start, were primarily for the purpose of improving our life ON planet Earth. Although there are some scientists who are committed to researching whether or not certain planets can be colonized, or at minimum, whether the soil on other planets can be used to grow food for we earthlings.

Their commitment, while it may be futile (my opinion), is understandable. After all, the cries and warnings of the environmentalists and the preservationists are not being heeded. The resources of the Earth are not unlimited. They paint a bleak picture of the future of life on Earth. That’s why there are so many books and movies depicting what life would be like for humans living in a post-apocalyptic world. Those committed scientists have reasoned and rightly so, that it doesn’t really take much to keep us alive. All we need is nonpoisonous food, breathable air, and drinkable water. How hard can it be to truly create a Class-M planet? To quote George Bernard Shaw: “Imagination is the beginning of creation.” So? I guess. If you can imagine it; it can become a reality. Right?

But so far, none of the other places in the universe that have been explored have the air and water that we need. So some scientists reason that perhaps these planets have dirt! There are edible plants that do not require a lot of oxygen or sunlight to grow. It could be worth further examination.

The Benefits of Space Exploration

Even though there are those who are still waiting in anticipation and hoping that one day we will make “first contact” with “new worlds”, many of the scientific endeavors related to space exploration have yielded numerous benefits for the world we live in.
  • Communication satellites were used to enable remotely located or isolated communities to listen to the radio and watch television, and learn about the world, albeit on the same planet, beyond their borders.
  • Space-based sensors help predict the weather and forecast hurricanes and the movement of other storms, warning people ahead of time so that they can gather a few survival essentials and seek shelter.
  • High-intensity flashlights which were originally developed for use on spacecraft to imitate sunlight are also used for search-and-rescue missions and even by campers to spend the night in the woods.
Space exploration has provided valuable information and helped us develop a knowledge and understanding of the natural processes that regularly occur on Earth. The application of space technology has improved our daily everyday life in so many ways.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Las frutas exóticas son maravillosas delicias naturales

 La fruta tropical debe haber sido abundante en el Jardín del Edén. ¿No te parece? Al menos, así es como me lo imagino de todos modos. ¿Te gusta la fruta exótica? Mi primera visita a Las Bahamas me abrió un mundo completamente nuevo. Había tantas deliciosas frutas del paraíso de las que nunca había oído ni probado.

Eso fue hace más de 30 años. En estos días, lo maravilloso de comprar comestibles en Estados Unidos es que puedes encontrar alimentos de casi cualquier parte del mundo. Estos alimentos no siempre estaban disponibles y eran tan abundantes. No es mi imaginación. Incluso el chef Jacques Pepin mencionó durante uno de sus episodios de televisión que cuando llegó por primera vez a los Estados Unidos para comenzar su carrera como chef, había muchos ingredientes que no podía encontrar fácilmente en la tienda de comestibles local. Tenías que ir a un mercado especial o una tienda gourmet. No es así en estos días. Gracias a Internet, es fácil investigar y aprender más sobre las frutas tropicales o las “frutas exóticas” o las “superfrutas” o las “frutas maravillosas” y por qué son tan buenas para usted. UH Huh. Correcto. Como si la gente necesitara torcer tu brazo para que te los comas. :)

¡Mira estos!

- La acerola, también conocida como cereza de Barbados, es originaria de las Indias Occidentales y también del sur de México y de América del Sur y Central. Afirman que esta fruta tiene numerosos beneficios para la salud, pero saludable o no, el sabor de esta fruta tropical es irresistible.

- La chirimoya sabe a chicle. La gente incluso le ha dado apodos a esta fruta como “fruta de helado” o “chirimoya”, llamada así porque tiene una textura cremosa similar a un sorbete. Pero tenga cuidado con las semillas, ya que pueden ser venenosas.

- Los dedos del hombre muerto se originaron en China. Realmente parecen dedos y su color es negro azulado. El sabor es similar al de la sandía.

- El kiwano o melón cornudo tiene muchos nombres. Es originario de África y se llama pepino africano. Pero también se le conoce como tomate inglés. (???) Por fuera es de color amarillo y naranja, pero la pulpa por dentro es de color verde lima. Ha sido parte de la cocina africana desde la antigüedad.

- El mangostán crece en el sudeste asiático y se considera una "fruta maravillosa". Uno podría pensar por el nombre que es similar a un mango, pero en realidad se parece más a un melocotón. Las investigaciones indican que el mangostán contiene más xantonas que cualquier otra fruta. Lo llaman el "Factor X". 

Estas son solo una muestra de frutas. La intención es abrir tu apetito y aumentar tu curiosidad. ¡También hay fruta del dragón, carambola, mano de Buda (cidra), moras, durian, moringa, abiu y más!



Original source

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Health and Beauty: Relaxation Guide: Benefits of Dead Sea Bath Salts

Bath salts have received a lot of negative publicity in the past. This is a reminder that bath salts - for healthy body, mind, and spirit or soul - are a beautiful thing! Dead sea bath salts are mild, gentle, and scented. They have many benefits plus you can use them on a daily basis. Benefits of Dead Sea Bath Salts

health and beauty

Relaxation Gift Guide: Bath Salts, Aromatherapy and More

Bath salts have received a lot of negative publicity in the past. This is a reminder that bath salts - for healthy body, mind and spirit or soul - are a beautiful thing!

Dead sea bath salts are mild, gentle and scented. They have many benefits plus you can use them on a daily basis. They gently exfoliate and nourish your skin while wiping off the layers of dirt, excess moisture and oil; they ease stress and relax your muscles. Did you ever stop to think it could be the perfect gift for your high school teenager? Oh yeah! Being a teenager is really stressful!! Why not show them how to relieve stress naturally? I'm hinting at girls but I'm sure some of the boys would soak in them if nobody was looking. Just like when they watch chick flicks and cry like a baby!

Benefits of Dead Sea Bath Salts
TIP:  Combine With Aromatherapy

Why would anybody want to abuse bath salts?  Using bath salts can make you feel like a budding new flower. The combination use of bath salts with aromatherapy can change a mood from anxiety and distress to an experience of comfort and serenity. Surrender yourself for a few brief moments and transport yourself to a paradise of your own making. Dead Sea bath salts are also linked to more than just stress relief.

In fact, several years back, In September 1995, an article written by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich was published via The Jerusalem Post which reported that Dead Sea salts can help those suffering from rheumatic disorder. Staunch supporters of aromatherapy such as the NAHA, can suggest a wide range of medicinal uses. Of course, the ancient civilizations (like the Egyptians) knew all about these benefits.

Attention: Parents of Teens!!!
Are you parenting a teenager?

Being a teenager can be really stressful!! For the teenager and for the parent.

Would you like to know an easy fix for stress relief?

Bath salts! No. Not to inhale. To luxuriate!

Bath salts, combined with aromatherapy, can create ecstasy! (No pun intended.) 

Dead sea bath salts have many benefits and you can use them daily. So indulge your teenager (and yourself). 

For the holiday season, or special days like Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, or for any occasion, this is a great gift idea for a teenager, a mother or anybody! Don't even wait for an event to happen. The Egyptians didn't!

Castle Baths - 16 oz Jubilee Dead Sea Salts for the Soul Bath Salts - Bergamot Pink Grapefruit 

Infused with a sweet, organic citrus floral blend, our Jubilee Dead Sea Bath Salts are jubilant yet restful - and intensely restorative! Between a busy day and a long evening, take time to revitalize yourself with a Jubilee Dead Sea Salt soak ("the pause that refreshes") and come out dancing! We use only pure, authentic Dead Sea Salt when we make our Dead Sea Bath Salts to ensure a spa-quality bathing experience. No need to settle for those cheap, ultra-dehydrating store-brand salts anymore! Treat yourself to luxury!

  • Visit the CB Blog for more information on spa products.


  • Random trivia: January is National Bath Safety Month
In particular, January 8th is Bubble Bath Day- Click here to find more Bizarre and Unique Holidays.


Image Credits:
* Pink flower: © Photographer Olga Vasilkova | Agency:
* Pink flower divider and bubble bath images:

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Book Review: The Eagle Soars Again (Books for Children)

The American bald eagle is a bird of prey worthy of respect.  It has long been a symbol for might and courage, strength, honor and majesty.


Image credit:


Birds of prey kill in order to live, and believe it or not, they help maintain a balance in the world of nature.  They have an extreme sensitivity to any changes in their environment, which in turn, serves to alert humans when our own environment is being threatened.  People should show them a little more respect.  Falconiformes is the scientific name for this entire group, and there are approximately 290 different species.  Included in this warm-blooded carnivorous vertebrates of the class Aves are: vultures, falcons, and hawks.  The bald eagle, which is the national symbol of the United States of America is also a bird of prey.


Another name for birds of prey is raptors. It is a word of Latin origin and it means “to seize” or “to plunder”. Where do they live? Anywhere they want to! That is ... uh ... Under normal or rather, natural circumstances. 

There are so many habitats or places where birds of prey can be observed in all their powerful and splendid glory. They have a distinct advantage over other predators like lions or wolves or sharks. They can fly! So you can find them almost anywhere in the world. Although they are not known for hanging out in Antarctica. The largest concentration of raptors can be found in the steppes of Asia, the North American prairie lands, and the East African savannas, living where there is warm weather and open country. In South America, they make their homes in the extensive rain forests. Some of them have actually moved into urban areas and made nests on the skyscrapers in several cities. Why not? Easy hunting. Pigeons are all over the place. Only a few, such as the gyrfalcon, can brave the Arctic. The majority of them usually migrate to warmer climates during the cold winter months. 

In addition to the fact that they are superbly skilled fliers, their whole bodies are designed for hunting and killing. Their feet have sharp talons that are lethal. The better to strike and pierce, my dear. Their toes? Also lethal. Four on each foot; three face forward and one backwards. Useful for gripping and crushing. Especially since they don't have hands. Their hooked beaks are used for ripping the flesh off the bones of carcasses. Finally, they have remarkable eyesight. They can spy a rabbit two miles away, with clear focus. Scientists refer to this ability to focus as “resolving power”. Vultures usually search for dead animals; however, many raptors hunt for live prey. As previously mentioned, they are mainly carnivorous and consume a wide range of foods from different sources in varying sizes: mice, snakes, rabbits, fish, small birds, dead elephants.  

The description of them sounds incredibly frightening, but keep in mind: they don't kill for fun, they kill for food. When not hunting for a meal, life is centered around family. When they choose a mate, they are partners for life. They find somewhere to build a nest, raise a family, and their relationship can last for decades – thirty, forty, or even fifty years. 

The relationship between mankind and these predatory creatures goes way back; and it hasn't always been “love-ee dove-ee”. Excuse the pun.  

In the Old Testament, they were considered “unclean”, therefore, the Hebrews abstained from eating them.  

Falconry, the art of using trained birds of prey for hunting or sport, originated in the Middle East and the Far East, and dates back several thousands of years. It was widely popular in Europe during medieval times.  

In the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, killing of raptors was allowed and became a common practice. Farmers and fishermen believed that these birds were killing lambs in large numbers and eating up too much of the salmon. Around the world – in America, Australia, Canada, and parts of Europe – literally millions of “innocent” raptors were deprived of life.

Innocent? Yes well, it seems that later on, environmental research indicated that the birds had been falsely accused. Meaning? Meaning that it turns out that they were not the ones responsible for destroying the lambs, etc., etc.,etc. So now we have enacted laws to protect them from us!


In America, the bald eagle took a really hard hit. They were shot as pests and people even paid bounties for dead eagles.

It's difficult to believe the USA did not outlaw the slaughter right from the start. Out of all the birds of prey, the eagle is the most admired.

For many – not just people in America - they have come to symbolize renewed strength and daily courage.

If the research findings had not been disclosed there's a possibility they might have become extinct!

Fortunately, necessary measures were taken to re-establish the population and the majestic bald eagles are once again freely soaring through the skies. Considering what they survived, they are worthy of double admiration and respect.

Eagle Soars Again

Original Source

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Ancient History: People and Places: Did Alexander the Great Think He Was Great?

Alexander the Great, a historical figure that many people like to write or talk about. Name written in history or not, every human being is just an A-O-P (“another ordinary person.”) Most ordinary people and extraordinary people usually want the same thing. To be happy.

* * *

Interesting Tweets About Alexander the Great

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Review of TV Series: The 4400 (2004–2007)

Summary Review of “The 4400”: If you like sci-fi/futuristic mystery plots, you’ll probably like “The 4400”. The End was kind of disappointing. But overall each episode was very entertaining.

DETAILED REVIEW: Even though the last show of the last season was kind of a disappointment, I enjoyed getting to know the characters and following the storyline and the many plot twists. Plot twists?? Oh yeah! The scriptwriters who put pen to paper went NUTS!! It’s like they received special approval from the producers to constantly change up the plot with the same characters, moving the support characters up and down giving different characters a chance to be the main character in the spotlight and then switching them out! The scriptwriters did a masterful job of writing the characters in and out! Even killing them and bringing them back!

STORYLINE OF “The 4400”: 4400 people were abducted. They came from different time periods in the history of the world — 1946, 1951, 1991, etc. These people just disappeared! Suddenly one day they all reappeared in a ball of light at the same point in time on the history timeline. Which means it didn’t matter when in their real-life they disappeared or were “snatched up”, they all reappeared as if no time had passed in their lives, but they were at a future point in time. Example: Even though the girl disappeared at age 8 in 1946, when she reappeared about 50+ years later, she was still 8 years old! The 4400 had no memory of where they had been and all they really wanted to do was go back home. Some were able to do that. But for some of them, the home they left was not the home they could return to and they had to start a new life.

Were they abducted by aliens? That’s what everyone would immediately think. But NOT! They were abducted by humans from the future. They were sent back with “enhanced abilities” for the purpose of … ??? You guessed it. SAVING THE WORLD!

What? No superpowers? Oh don’t be silly! Everybody knows humans can’t really have superpowers. But they do have science and technology and an amazing brain that thinks of and develops those scientific and technological toys, gadgets and things invented, supposedly, for the good of all mankind.

There is a belief among the real scientific and medical community that humans only use 10% of their brains. (Do People Only Use 10 Percent of Their Brains? — Scientific American)

Let’s say this is true. That means that 90% of our brainpower is unused but if we could tap into that unused part we would very likely ALL develop “enhanced abilities”. No superpowers. Just enhanced abilities that are almost like having a superpower.

This theory or belief or scientific fact lays the foundation for the storyline of “The 4400”.

Honestly! It was like a bunch of members of a “wanna be” Justice League with confused human minds, not quite sure of the best way to harness their “enhanced abilities” to accomplish their mission and who also still needed money to achieve their agenda of saving the world. Sorry. I can’t think of a better way to describe them.

Then there are others, also humans, who, for whatever reason, don’t want them to save the world. Those “others” who want to eliminate The 4400 are also humans with enhanced abilities. They came back from the future to STOP The 4400 who were abducted by the “other human beings” who sent them back from the future to save the world.

Hey! There has to be some kind of conflict to keep the story going.

The PLUS of this TV series? Very likable characters. People you wouldn’t mind being friends with in real life. I particularly grew fond of “Maia Rutledge-Skouris” played by Conchita Campbell.

The MINUS of this TV series? I don’t know what I was expecting but ~ not giving out any spoilers ~ The End was not what I expected and as such it was rather disappointing.

The series leaves you with a lingering question:

Even if humans used 100% of their brainpower, would they still know how to save themselves from themselves?

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