Bath salts have received a lot of negative publicity in the past. This is a reminder that bath salts - for healthy body, mind and spirit or soul - are a beautiful thing!
Dead sea bath salts are mild, gentle and scented. They have many benefits plus you can use them on a daily basis. They gently exfoliate and nourish your skin while wiping off the layers of dirt, excess moisture and oil; they ease stress and relax your muscles. Did you ever stop to think it could be the perfect gift for your high school teenager? Oh yeah! Being a teenager is really stressful!! Why not show them how to relieve stress naturally? I'm hinting at girls but I'm sure some of the boys would soak in them if nobody was looking. Just like when they watch chick flicks and cry like a baby!
Benefits of Dead Sea Bath Salts
TIP: Combine With Aromatherapy
Why would anybody want to abuse bath salts? Using bath salts can make you feel like a budding new flower. The combination use of bath salts with aromatherapy can change a mood from anxiety and distress to an experience of comfort and serenity. Surrender yourself for a few brief moments and transport yourself to a paradise of your own making. Dead Sea bath salts are also linked to more than just stress relief.
In fact, several years back, In September 1995, an article written by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich was published via The Jerusalem Post which reported that Dead Sea salts can help those suffering from rheumatic disorder. Staunch supporters of aromatherapy such as the NAHA, can suggest a wide range of medicinal uses. Of course, the ancient civilizations (like the Egyptians) knew all about these benefits.
Attention: Parents of Teens!!!
Are you parenting a teenager?
Being a teenager can be really stressful!! For the teenager and for the parent.
Would you like to know an easy fix for stress relief?
Bath salts! No. Not to inhale. To luxuriate!
Bath salts, combined with aromatherapy, can create ecstasy! (No pun intended.)
Dead sea bath salts have many benefits and you can use them daily. So indulge your teenager (and yourself).
For the holiday season, or special days like Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, or for any occasion, this is a great gift idea for a teenager, a mother or anybody! Don't even wait for an event to happen. The Egyptians didn't!
 Castle Baths - 16 oz Jubilee Dead Sea Salts for the Soul Bath Salts - Bergamot Pink Grapefruit
Infused with a sweet, organic citrus floral blend, our Jubilee Dead Sea Bath Salts are jubilant yet restful - and intensely restorative! Between a busy day and a long evening, take time to revitalize yourself with a Jubilee Dead Sea Salt soak ("the pause that refreshes") and come out dancing! We use only pure, authentic Dead Sea Salt when we make our Dead Sea Bath Salts to ensure a spa-quality bathing experience. No need to settle for those cheap, ultra-dehydrating store-brand salts anymore! Treat yourself to luxury! - Visit the CB Blog for more information on spa products.
- Random trivia: January is National Bath Safety Month
Image Credits:
* Pink flower: © Photographer Olga Vasilkova | Agency:
* Pink flower divider and bubble bath images: