African violets, Baby's Breath, Cape Primrose and the Desert Rose are four (4) flowers that I love. I would like to share with you what they mean.
African violets are native to Tanzania and Kenya and they are remarkably easy to grow, indoors or outdoors. African violets are one of my favorite flowers because of its rich purple color. (It grows in other colors but I like the purple ones.) I love it even more since I learned that they are symbols of friendship and faithfulness.
Baby's breath flowers symbolize many things and it's easy to see why they are often included in a bridal bouquet. They represent not just romance and love, but everlasting love. They also symbolize innocence and purity, compassion, sincerity, and trust. Key ingredients in everlasting relationships. Don't you think so?
Cape primrose is a flower that has several species and is native to South Africa. One doesn't usually associate fairies with Africa but somehow people have associated these flowers with fairies. There is a whimsical belief that fairies care for them. What do they symbolize? Just about everything one would desire in this life. Perfect health. Good luck. A brand new start in life. Spiritual paths that lie ahead. Purity. Honesty. But most importantly, love. FUN FACT: Cape Primrose is a cousin of African violet.
I wanted this article to be just about flowers. But I have had to stray from the path a little bit. Popular singer/songwriter Sting sings a song he titled “Desert Rose”. The song is about a woman of course; but I became curious as to whether there is such a flower. It turns out there is a flower by that name and also a gemstone.

~ Desert Rose, the flower
The flower called “desert rose” is not a rose. It is an adenium plant and adeniums have various meanings to various cultures. The Chinese call it fuguihua which means Flower of Prosperity. I like the sound of that. Do you? Adeniums are evergreen ornamental plants and it is said that they make great houseplants as they are easy to grow, come in lots of different colors, and there are numerous hybrids.
FYI: How to Grow Desert Rose and Adeniums
~ Desert Rose, the gemstone
The gemstone that is known as “desert rose” has been credited with having awesome healing powers, mainly for treating mental and emotional health problems. Supposedly this stone can be used to calm you, relieve your anxiousness and worry, help you think more clearly and makes your thinking more flexible. The stone has come to symbolize strength, perseverance, having the confidence to succeed, and standing your ground. When referring to the flower, it means “prosperity”. When referring to the stone it means “energy flow”. The folklore that has developed around this gemstone claim it has almost miraculous healing powers such as controlling epileptic fits, straightening out your spinal column, and removing energy blockages. Consequently, some believe the desert rose possesses a spirit guardian, and so they use them as protective talismans. Better safe than sorry. Unlike most gemstones, the desert rose actually feels like soft rose petals. Have you ever touched a gemstone that felt soft like a flower?
FYI: Healing Crystals Desert Rose Selenite Information Video
Hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it.