Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Bringing White Feather From the Mountain

Let me tell you about a fellow blogger who goes by the name White Feather. The information he shares is so eye-opening and fascinating, the temptation to re-share is irresistible. You must be pointed in the direction of the paths he takes online in order to see the world through his lens. From his profile at a social network that no longer exists, I found my way to his website and the other links below that were posted to his activity timeline.

The article of interest suggested for your review is:
Why is this article so interesting to me? The first reason is that I am sort of impressed by the famous Native American known as Crazy Horse. I did a little research on this historical figure and learned that he was anything but crazy! However, while researching I did not come across any information about his dealings with refugees. So this article by White Feather was eye-opening. There is so much American history that we are never taught in school.

Also, I wanted to contrast and compare to my opinion piece which was published here at Medium titled: Syrian Refugees Go Home!
 ♦ How does this relate to bringing White Feather from the Mountain?

Yes, I know. My logic defies rationale and reasoning. Before discovering this website and its fascinating articles, for me, White Feather was “up in the mountain”. I determined to bring him down from that mountain and introduce him to others.

He has a couple more articles about Crazy Horse you might find fascinating.  Crazy Horse Races and Crazy Horse, St. Bernadette and Edgar Cayce

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