Monday, November 16, 2020

Work-at-Home Advice: Can You Earn Income From Writing?

I am writing about my personal and professional experience attempting to generate income, working from home as a freelance content writer. You can earn income in many different ways.

Hire yourself out as a writer. You can do ghostwriting for other people but be careful. You will do the work and at the last minute, the customer decides your work just wasn't good enough. I decided to use SEOClerks to advertise myself for payment protection purposes.

Content Creation Hire Me for Small Writing Jobs for $5 - SEOClerks

Write for sites like HUBPages. Anybody can write for HP; but not everyone makes money writing for this site. If your articles catch the eye of the Editors, they will be Featured, and you will find that your content will generate passive income. But even if your article is not Featured, do not despair. You may be able to earn but it might take a little bit extra marketing on your part.

Online Writing Communities Have Mushroomed - HubPages

Publish short posts ar social blogging communities. These sites usually offer a revenue-sharing plan and based on my experience, they don't last very long. However, the sites that do last are great for some extra pocket money.

Work-at-Home Advice: Earn Residual Income Writing for Social Sites That Pay

Sites like Medium have a Partner Program that pays you based on how long a reader lingers on your page. I have yet to figure that out and my earnings are nothing to brag about. Nevertheless, I really like the site because they allow you to republish content.

A Look Back … A Look Way Back: Why I Write for Medium | by Treathyl Fox | Express Yourself! | Medium

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The last way to earn income from writing, I have not tried yet.  It's on my To-Do List as a future project.  I am thinking of self-publishing a book.

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